S0 your sitting at h0me and you're just bored 0ut 0f your mind. What do you do ?
Well here's a list f0r ya if you're to lazy to g0 outside.
what to do when your bored at home
1. L0ok at s0me 0ld pics (laugh at th0se wierd, captured, mem0ries)
2. Draw, paint, write, 0r do0dle 0n some paper
3. Learn s0me f0reign lanquage
4. Go thr0ugh your stuff and get rid 0f the junk you d0n't need 0r want anym0re!
5. Bake!! N0thing wr0ng with heatin up the 0ld 0ven and l0okin up s0me delici0us recipe. it c0uld be fun!
6. Start a bl0g! u never kn0w u c0uld be a hit
7. 0r u c0uld make s0me hit youtube vide0s?
8.think 0f nicknames f0r every0ne haha this c0uld be funny
9. Star a scrapbo0k, Get CREATIVE ;)
10. G0ogle yourself 0n the web 0r images haha it's funny what u get s0metimes
11. make your 0wn calendar
12. Make your 0wn jewelry
13. Invent a secret c0de and then share it with y0r friends
14. Put an 0ld fashi0ned puzzle together
14. Invent s0me wierd reciepe u never kn0w u c0uld be the next professi0nal c0ok
15. learn sign lanquage
16. create a newspaper 0r magazine ( u c0uld make it ab0ut celebrities)
17. rearrange the furniture
18. CLEAN!! Parents c0uld 0nly ho0pe
19. watch a m0vie?!
20. Send celebrities fan mail
you I h0pe these ideas helped you. If you have any 0ther ideas if you
w0uld please tell me i w0uld be happy to listen to them.
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